
8%20Michelle Laubcher-Jäger
11%20Michelle Laubcher-Jäger
10%20Michelle Laubcher-Jäger
13%20Michelle Laubcher-Jäger


Bhashni is a Certified Advance Breathwork Practioner.
Breathwork has led me to a profound and deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. It has helped me to let go of that which does not serve me any longer and to open my heart and soul. The best keep secret to transformation is your breath, an incredible gift that you were innately born with. All you need to do to attend a breathwork session is show up, dress comfortably, relax on the floor lying down and breathe.
Breathwork is also offered Online.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a meditative, self-healing technique that is energising and powerful.
It consists of a two-part breath that moves from the abdomen into the chest while inhaling and exhaling. Emotional blocks and trapped energy are removed through a continuous movement. Breathing is a gift; it is your divine right. Most people find it hard to make the best choices for themselves because their minds are immovable, we live though our minds so to speak and we find ourselves caught up in one or another aspect in life. The mind is capable of spiralling thoughts out of control. Breathwork is an incredible tool that is at your disposal which allows you to connect to the wisdom in your body. It teaches you to open your heart, and in doing so it brings about a deep change in your life. Each time you breathe you will experience something different, this shows up in distinctive ways for different people. You may feel a tingly sensation in your body, or cry, have visions or just feel a deep sense of love and gratitude. Everyone has an individual experience.

Who is breathwork useful for?

Breathwork with purposefulness allows you to let go of the mind long enough to access the truth within you. It creates possibility to do bigger things in your life, to discover a deep and centred confidence and to know yourself completely and in the most authentic way. It allows you to create a deep and meaningful relationship with yourself. It gives you the chance to release guilt, shame and fear that may have built up in your body over many years. It could even heal a broken heart. You might want to create more love in your life, change your career or explore your dreams. Breathwork is a wonderful means that can be utilised to teach you to let go, release anxiety and learn to love yourself.

This workshop is for you if you are wanting to let go of the past, if you’re tired of a taxing life with no purpose. It’s for you if you would like to heal your soul, create mental clarity and create a more satisfying, simpler life. You will learn to let go of your attachment to everything and allow your true and authentic self to shine through. This is not a magic cure but it enables you to create the greatest version of yourself and forge a path forward, find self-realisation, confidence and finally let go of the things that are holding you back. It will bring the realisation that no matter what, you are enough.

Breathwork and Covid-19

In this time of great uncertainty and helplessness for us all, we face some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever had to face.
Besides concerns related to our health, we will all experience periods of anxiety, sadness and fear. The broader implications of the Covid19 pandemic stress can be devastating. However we have been given the opportunity to tap into our inner resources, to turn inwards and learn to relax and support our body’s extraordinary capacity to heal itself. We need to learn to be inventive and respond to the encounters with consideration and strength.

To ride the waves of emotions and stay healthy we need to boost the immune system. The most practical way to do this is to bring awareness to our breath and consciously breath, which helps us to stay calm and enables us to manage these sometimes insurmountable challenges.

A global pandemic causes fear, anxiety and unease. Having to face these challenges can be hindered by phycological stress and it’s pressures in turn compromising your overall health and ability to be resilient. Improving your immune system by eating healthily, exercising and getting adequate sleep helps but breathing properly is a remarkable way to strengthen your immune defences.

Breathwork and mindfulness in recent studies have become the forerunners in healthy practices, in helping your immune system to function at its optimum and ideal level. Just by simply focusing your attention on your breath, you automatically reduce stress. To keep your cortisol levels low one needs to relax and turn off your ‘fight or flight response’ directly related to your nervous system. Mindful, deep, conscious breathing helps combat the progression of autoimmune diseases and has an encouraging effect on the whole body.

You will notice how your body reaches a state of rest and tranquillity and responds to deep controlled breathing. This creates armour against inflammation. I encourage you to attempt and apply Breathwork to your daily routine.

I invite you to partake in conversation with me as I am sure you have thoughts or questions regarding Breathwork.
What are your current stressors and how may I help?

Please feel free to contact me on WhatsApp or Email and
click the FaceBook Link below to follow and like the Breathwhisperer page
